Andrew Forrest
Munger Place: a United Methodist Community of Faith
What We've Been Up To
- We've taken over Monday evenings at Exodus Ministries. Our volunteers run a program for the children while the moms take evening classes. And, we're putting together a team there to lay some new flooring in some of the apartments.
- Our weekly Bible study in the Munger neighborhood is going well. We meet on Tuesdays at 6:45 PM, three blocks from the church.
- We asked a few of our folks to tell us what fires them up about Munger Place. Click here to see the resulting video.
Munger Place Church Planting CampOverview
The most important thing we are doing this summer to help Munger Place get off the ground is a Church Planting Camp we are running on June 25 and 26. Jim Griffith, who does training events all over the country, will be with us, as will Don Smith. We will be discussing the nuts and bolts of how to get from where we are right now to weekly worship in October.
For anyone who wants to be involved at Munger Place. This would be a great first step for you to take if you would like to be involved. (Childcare provided.)
5-9 PM, Friday, June 25
9 AM-3:30 PM, Saturday, June 26
Highland Park United Methodist Church
Register Here.